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5 Top Tips To Get Back On Track

Rocky Balboa! A Boxing Champion

His first fight with Apollo Creed, Lost.

Clubber Lang knocked him out. 

Ivan Drago killed his friend. 

He even lost his last ever fight against Mason Dixon, in Rocky Balboa!


So, why does everyone love Rocky? Is it because he never lost? No. He lost. He had obstacles. He suffered. But he always found a way to bounce back!

Here are my Top 5 Tips For Getting Back On Track:

  1. Falling short of your goal, doesn’t mean you failed 

If you set out to achieve something specific, such as:

  • Win a World Title.

  • Lose 2 stone.

  • Get back into an old pair of jeans.

And you fall short of that goal. It does not mean that you didn’t succeed elsewhere

We are all our own biggest critic. Sometimes when you are focused on a goal it’s easy to ignore the progress you make in other areas. 

For example, somebody who is trying to get into an old pair of jeans, may have lost several inches off their waist. Just because those jeans don’t fit yet, doesn’t mean that person hasn’t succeeded in improving their physique

Ask yourself… If a loved one was to write down your successes for you, would they hand back a blank page?

2. Pick yourself up.

When your face hits the mat. You have a choice to stay down or get back up.

In the 14th round in his fight against Apollo, even his coach tells him to stay down. But sometimes you have to rely on yourself and dig deep to find the strength to get back up. 

In Rocky’s final fight against Mason Dixon, Rocky thinks back over his life and looks to his motivators for fighting over the years.

Looking back to why you started is usually a great way to carry on.

3. You’re only one small victory away from being back on track.

After feeling de-motivated. Adrian tells Rocky to “Win”. The montage that follows shows Rocky getting loads of smallwins” in training. He wasn’t in the bright lights, he was just getting himself back on track in the shadows, in the gym. Clocking up those small wins.

A good training session. 

A healthy meal. 

A new skill learnt. 

These are the little things that get you straight back into routine and on track with your goals once again. Don’t take them for granted

A small victory is still a victory.

4. Trust the Process, Get back to basics 

If Rocky III taught us anything, getting distracted by being overly technical never ends well. 

Even as a Former World Champion. He had to go right back to basics because he lost his way!

You need to get back to basics, start at the very beginning, no distractions. There is a reason pyramids are built from the bottom up. You need to have a very strong stable foundation before you start worrying about the top.

Getting back into a rhythm means having all of the basic areas covered. Start there.

Check out my article ‘The Big Secret To Results if you’re reading this article with a view to getting in shape.

5. Keep Moving Forward 

I can put it no better than the man himself. If you want to feel motivated to get back on track. Watch this video! 

Now go and get back on track!

Harry Morris,

HMPT Coaching Services