Returning to The Gym? 10 Considerations From A Gym Owner
Have you been missing the gym?
Gym’s have now been out of action for the best part of 4 months!
With the gym’s set to re-open on the 25th July it is clear that a lot will change in how they operate and the impact that will have on your approach to working out.
So, If you’re thinking about a return to the gym… Here are 10 key considerations.
The government have advised on some guidelines to observe when it comes to hygiene in the gym, some key features will be:
Hand Sanitation
Cleaning equipment between use
Enhanced cleaning protocols
Only Essential Changing Room / Shower usage
Hygiene Standard should now be an important factor as to your choice of gym!
Social Distancing
Again, here are the guidelines:
A maximum capacity based on social distance / ventilation
Removal of certain equipment and activities to maintain social distance
Booking System and queuing
One-way flows
The size, shape, organisation and member capacity of your facility will now be important factors in a gym’s social distancing success.
Booking Times / Queuing
Lockdown has created a new pet peeve for the nation… queuing to enter the supermarket.
It appears that this is now going to apply to non appointment-based gym’s.
For many, the freedom to workout at any time of your choosing in a 24 hour gym is a huge appeal.
However, the ‘drop-in’ gym session may now be a thing of the past. At least for the time being.
The use of masks has been on the mind of many gym-goers.
What impact will wearing a mask have on your ability to breathe whilst training?
As it currently stands, you may not have to experience training with a mask. As mask-wearing will NOT be made compulsory. Although it will not be discouraged should you chose to wear one.
Big Gym vs Small Gym?
My opinion on larger, commercial, high capacity gym’s is that it will prove a challenge to enforce social distancing and maintain a high and consistent cleaning standard.
Smaller gym’s will have a greater control over screening of clients, equipment management and adherence to new protocols.
By exposing yourself to fewer people, you are minimising your personal risk.
Many Fitness Industry experts are therefore looking to smaller, boutique, appointment based gym’s as the solution.
Mental Health
Lockdown has proven to be a challenge to many people’s mental health.
The Centre for Mental Health estimate that we could see an increase of ‘at least 500,000 people experiencing mental ill health’
This statistic highlights the importance of providing access to training.
Physical training is proven to improve mental health by decreasing stress, anxiety and improving mood. As well as increasing self confidence.
Home Training Struggle
The home has become a place of relaxation, an office and a gym all at once.
Perhaps the most common struggle I have encountered during lockdown from discussions with clients is difficulty in getting motivated to workout from home.
The home environment provides a lot of distractions that make finding time to exercise a challenge. Whether it is the kids, the dog or that Netflix series that has you hooked.
Gym’s will help create some separation between home and the office by putting us back in an environment where we can feel motivated to workout.
Don’t Try To Pick Up Where You Left Off
It’s going to be tempting to try and continue training at the same intensity that we had built up to before lockdown began.
Hold your horses.
The reduction in training, movement and activity in lockdown will have created a ‘de-training’ effect.
This means we most likely will have lost strength and experienced a reduction in our fitness.
Jumping back in where you left off could put you at increased risk of injury.
Don’t Try to Make Up For Lost Time
Regaining your level of strength / fitness will take a certain amount of time.
There are no shortcuts.
Trying to make up for 4 months of lost progress within 1 session is NOT going to work. All you will achieve is making yourself VERY sore!
Prioritise consistency. Take it steady. Ease yourself back in.
Focus On Building Immunity
A large population of gym goers train simply to look better.
Coronavirus may have provided us with a new perspective as to ‘Why’ we train.
Training to avoid obesity.
Training for respiratory health.
Training to improve your immune system function.
Training to avoid health conditions
Here are 2 sobering statistics…
A study of NHS Electronic Health Records showed that you are twice as likely to die from COVID-19 if you are obese. And 73% of Intensive Care patients were overweight / obese.
The importance of weight management through diet and exercise has never been more prevalent.
So… is it worth going back?
The answer is… it depends.
It is undeniable how important it is to train with a view to making ourselves healthier, happier, fitter and stronger.
I still believe the gym is the best environment for this to be achieved.
With new regulations regarding hygiene and social distancing. The user experience in the gym will be very different.
I believe this will cause a lot of people to reconsider their choice of gym.
Whether you decide to return to the large commercial gym or a smaller more exclusive facility, Individuals will have to weigh up the risk for themselves.
If you decide that returning to the gym is not for you at this time… have no fear, you can still workout.
Online coaching has seen huge growth during this time. I myself have invested heavily in creating online coaching alternatives during lockdown.
Home gym solutions have also seen significant advancements.
So no matter the decision you make, we can still prioritise our health amidst this ever looming threat to our wellbeing.
Harry Morris, Coach & Gym Owner