Should You Join Slimming World?
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The following information is based on my own personal experience having dealt with many clients who have previously been members of weight loss clubs.
the Truth
The truth is that Slimming World will help the majority of people to lose weight initially!
Slimming World implement a points system. Each item of food carries a given amount of points, known as ‘syns’ (we’ll come on to this is in more detail in a moment)
The points system does then encourage people to monitor, control & reduce their consumption. Which results in Weight Loss. This weight loss is monitored within your weight loss group to keep each other accountable.
Which sounds great, but let’s consider this further.
WEiGht loss tArgets
When losing scale weight is the only goal, that then becomes the only measure of success. This is a HUGE problem when you consider the nature of weight loss, here are 3 reasons why:
Weight Loss is not linear. This means that losing weight day after day is not always possible.
Weight Loss does not equal Fat Loss. For anybody looking to change their body composition Fat Loss should be the main priority, not just weight loss.
Scale weight can fluctuate for any number of reasons, such as your level of hydration, whether or not you’ve used the toilet or where you are in your monthly cycle.
Imagine this: You’ve spent a week dieting, given it 100% and feel great, only to step on the scale in a room full of people to find you regressed on the scale - how demoralising.
Due to the fluctuating nature of weight loss, this is inevitable, yet without that understanding, it could result in people giving up on their goals. (Which is actually what Slimming World want)
failing is a success
Slimming World actually want people to have short term success but to fail long term.
If people get results quickly, they will refer to friends, post pictures online & create more business for the company, which means more money!
But if they were to provide people with a long term solution to weight loss. They would minimise their returns. So once people leave the Slimming World system, they gain weight & decide to join again!
To lose weight you have to create a Calorie Deficit. This means consuming less than you burn, or burning more than you consume! This is an unfailing principle when it comes to losing weight.
Slimming world know this, yet chose not to teach people how to manage their calories.
This is where Slimming World have been very clever from a business standpoint. Because if they were to teach their customers how to manage calories, then their would be no need to buy Slimming World products or programmes.
Essentially the points system used by slimming is designed to confuse their customers, so they have no choice but to keep paying for slimming world products.
They even continue to change the points associated with different foods in order to keep the goal posts moving, this means that people are unable to learn the system and replicate it themselves.
P.s. I also completely disagree with the term Syn! Many people who use slimming world are overweight and struggle with their relationship with food. Demonising food by labelling it as sin is ethically wrong in my opinion.
The solution
If a company like slimming world, who affects so many people, were to focus on giving people the knowledge to lose weight independently, sustainably and with a view to long term health.
The world would be a much healthier & happier place.
Harry Morris
If you agree with the points in my article & would rather commit to a sustainable, long term approach to getting in shape, reach out to me directly and i’ll help get you on the right track.