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“I Just Can’t Stop Eating”

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“I just can’t Stop Eating”

I’ve lost track of the amount of times that somebody has said those words to me.

What I find most astonishing, is who uses this phrase is not necessarily who you’d expect!

Let me explain…

Mindset Trend

Let’s be realistic that the cause of obesity is a sustained overconsumption of calories, and lack of movement.

For parties who are categorised as obese, then being “unable to stop eating” is something they need to address from an emotional, habitual and hormonal perspective. This can be done with the assistance of a good coach.

However… it isn’t just the obese population who have this mindset. It has permeated into the general population of dieters, weekend warriors and average joe’s.

Much like the notion that if women lift weights they’ll “get too bulky” - general population are worried that if they eat they’ll get fat!

I believe that we need to fight against the notion that eating = fat.

Feeding vs FUELLING?

I want you to imagine that your body is a car.

If you were to drive a car without giving it enough fuel, then it would break down. It would break down at a much faster rate if you were driving it hard!

Picture a high performance sports car! It drives fast, moves well, looks amazing and requires A Lot of fuel.

Now compare that to a little estate car. Slow, sluggish, doesn’t perform well, struggles around and is very fuel efficient.

What sort of car is your body now? What sort of body do you want? Do you expect high performance? Does it move well? Look good? Feel good? Do you fuel it appropriately?

This illustration highlights the importance of eating to fuel your activity. Failure to do so will result in breaking down!

The solution

Nobody should ever tell you to stop eating, not even yourself!

Rather… you should eat to fuel your activity.

Moderately consume calories in this fashion, for a consistent period of time… and you will not be overweight!