2,190 Miles
14 U.S states
5-7 months
20% success rate
These statistics form the Appalachian Trail. The hardest journey... in the world!
(Jeremy Clarkson voice)
So why are you reading about a mountainous hiking trail? This is an article about health and fitness right? You are right. But we can learn a lot from this horrendous hike.
You’re on a journey. You wouldn’t be reading this if you weren’t. And much like the Appalachian Trail, this may be the hardest journey in the world. So what comparisons can we draw?
Your Journey
All who take on the Trail have a goal. Complete it. They want to reach their destination. You too likely have a goal: to lose ‘X’ amount of weight, to get in shape for your holiday, to feel fitter.
These goals can feel like a 2000 mile journey at times, as if you are miles away from where you need to be. But the 2190 mile journey of the Appalachian Trail starts with a single step. Just take 1 step, one small yard of progress and continue to do that over and over again. Break your goal down into small achievable milestones, don’t become daunted by the bigger picture.
What Do You NEed?
When you set off on the trail, you need to take with you some essential items, this consists of a water filter, sleeping bag and other such things. What have you got in your bag? What essential things do you need?
Here is a checklist:
- A will to change
- A map, or plan to reach your destination
- Determination
- Persistence
- An understanding of what is to come
If you get these things in place, you are far more likely to reach your goal. Those who fail the trail are often underprepared and don’t realise what is required of them, at the first sign of struggle, they quit.
Are We There Yet?
It takes time to get there. 5-7 months is a long walk! You would be a fool to expect completing the walk in 7 days, achieving what it has took others to do in 49x that. So why do we put the expectation on ourselves to see instant changes in our bodies after a few gym sessions, or a few days of eating well? It doesn’t make any sense. Consistent effort over long periods of time is what is required to reach your destination. Quick fixes are unsustainable.
Bill Erwin, successfully completed the perilous journey. He was blind. He was led by his loyal guide dog for 8 months along the trail. He was said to have fallen thousands of times. He cracked ribs and even had hypothermia. Every single time, he stood up, dusted himself off and walked again! He made it. He wasn’t the fastest. He didn’t have the best circumstances to complete the trail. But sheer determination, resilience and persistence got him to where he wanted to be.
The message
The journey may be hard. It may be long. It may take time. You will fall down. But if you stand up, dust off and move forward. You will reach your goal!