These words have been said to me on several occasions.
I have said these words to others on several more.
But are they true?
How is it possible to lose something that you haven’t started?
The answer lies somewhere between your ears!
The Mind
We’ve all heard the expression ‘heart of a champion’, somebody showing resilience and persistence in the relentless pursuit of victory. However the heart is just a muscle that pumps blood around the body. The Mind is a far greater tool when it comes to displaying the qualities of a champion.
Maintaining a winning mindset is not something that comes naturally to us. I’m sure that if you’re reading this right now you have at some point experienced that little voice in your head telling you that “you can’t do this” or “you won’t succeed”.
In this Article i’m going to discuss 3 points, that, if applied correctly, will guarantee a win before you even start!
There is no room for a defeatist mentality when it comes to, not only competition but life. We all know that person who starts every sentence with the word “I Can’t”.
At times everyone has uttered those words. The problem with the words “I Can’t” is that it immediately closes the mind to any possible solutions.
From now on that phrase is no longer allowed in your vocabulary. Instead it has to be replaced with the words “How Can I?”
I can’t be bothered to train = How can I get bothered to train?
I can’t do that = How can I do that?
I can’t win = How can I win?
A simple shift in perspective can turn your mind from closed off and defeated… To a problem solving machine!
Finding the answers to your problems is a fool proof way to victory.
Self Control
This topic is one people get defensive over. So straight away I’m going to tell you EVERYONE needs to improve their self control / self discipline.
Try to view improvement in this area as continuous and positive. The Kaizen approach, is a Japanese philosophy for continual self development. The moment you feel that you know it all, is the moment you actually know nothing at all.
Usian Bolt would not have been the fastest man alive for as long as he was if he decided he knew everything there was to know about sprinting. He was always looking to improve.
It takes self control and self discipline to keep yourself accountable. To workout. To make sure you’re eating the right things. To make sure you stay hydrated. To make sure you’re getting enough sleep.
If you’re lacking in the area of self-discipline, no other strengths will help you.
When it comes down to a big moment, nerves often begin to set in and in some cases fear. The real question is… “What is it you’re actually afraid of?”
It is rarely your opponent!
“The only thing we have to fear is FEAR itself”
Often the answer lies within a person. A fear of failure is a common cause of anxiety. Getting mastery over fear is a life-long struggle. It starts with identifying what it is you’re actually afraid of, then, most likely, making a needed shift in perspective to overcome that fear.
A common theme among champions is self-confidence. Without the belief you can do something, you will rarely succeed.
“I am the GREATEST”
However here is a final word of caution. Over-confidence can lead to catastrophe. If you allow too much confidence, it can make you complacent.
Keep a clear head. Control fear. Control Confidence.
The Message
You can lose before you even get started.
But your opponent didn’t beat you… You beat yourself!
If you:
Maintain the right perspective. Never “can’t” always “how can I?”
Exercise self-discipline and continue to strive for improvement
Control and utilise your emotions.
Then you will WIN before you even start!