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What comes to your mind when I say “healthy eating”
Chicken, Rice & Broccoli?
The portrayal of a healthy diet is often associated with boring, bland, flavourless and repetitive food. However you will be pleased to know that a truly healthy diet is the exact opposite!
What is healthy?
This boils down to your interpretation of the word health. Healthy food for me is not restrictive, boring or flavourless. Rather it should be a diet that caters for your energy demands, nutrient requirements and taste preference!
If somebody was to only consume chicken, rice and broccoli, could they really be said to be healthy? They may be scared to eat other foods that are “off plan” at the risk of ruining their diet, is that healthy? Definitely not for their relationship with food, social situations involving food, or their range of nutrient intake.
Making health unhealthy
The stereotypically “healthy diet” portrayal can often end up being the exact opposite.
A combination of removing ‘junk food’, reducing portion sizes and eating lower calorie foods. Often results in an extreme caloric restriction. This is usually done all at once, along with an increase in exercise. This is a little bit like an alcoholic going teetotal, they’re going to experience cravings and the body will not respond favourably!
We often see this extreme calorie restriction start on a Monday, by Wednesday the person is drained and hungry, on Friday they reward themselves with a binge on high calorie food and drink, followed by feelings of guilt and failure on Sunday. Just for the cycle to repeat. Sound familiar?
WhaT’s the solution?
Create a sustainable diet!
You need to create an approach to your diet that you can continue to maintain for the rest of your life.
You need to ask yourself a few questions:
Am I eating enough to effectively manage my energy levels for the whole week?
Am I consuming a wide variety of different nutritious foods?
Am I overly restricting any aspect of my diet or a particular food group?
Can I continue to eat in this fashion for the rest of my life?
You will always be able to tweak your diet to fit your goal. Eating slightly less or slightly more calories at different times depending on your circumstances or goal at the time.
The key is to only “tweak” your diet, not “transform” into an unsustainable eating pattern.
The message
The goal is to enjoy the food you eat and get in shape simultaneously!
“Long Term Consistency... Beats Short Term Intensity. Every Single Time”